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Parenting & Family

Second Hand Smoke Links to ADD ADHD

Scientific research has linked exposure to second hand smoke during pregnancy and early childhood with a number of health challenges. A recent study in Spain demonstrated a [...]

A Magical Mystical Underwater Birth

Life can be magical and change you forever. Water birth was a gateway beyond pregnancy that opened doors to deeper joy and fulfillment. The moment my little one arrived [...]

NeuroScience of Attachment Parenting

Gentle, sensitive, and responsive parenting is scientifically proven to promote healthy brain development of young children. The newborn brain is still immature and continues [...]

Danger for Boys Who Play With Dolls?

Society maintains rules about children’s behavior. Some rules dictate the toys a child should play with based on gender. Retailers market baby dolls to girls and toy cars [...]

Focused Family Time is Worth a Million

Families are the social structure that allows civilization to thrive. The family is the place where children are introduced to language, love and living. Focused family time [...]
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